STAFF four mortuary in Mwananyamala Hospital in Dar es Salaam are being held by police on suspicion of performing surgery on the dead body and take drugs and then resell the drugs.
Speaking to reporters earlier today (May 26, 2017), Commander of the Special Police Zone of Dar es Salaam Commissioner Simon Sirro said;
"The Ghanaian who was found dead March 14, 2017 in the lodge called Red Carpet existing Sinza, was taken to Mwananyamala morgue (mortuary), but the staff at the morgue I think they received information that the body that you have drugs, so did the plot and split the body and give the dice 32 drugs that basically they sold it.
"After police interviewed have admitted that they are truly responsible to cut the body of the dice and taking drugs, then they sold it and the drugs were yemuuzia we kwishamkamata.
Sirro went further to explain;
"The person who sold him was going to sell the family named Ally Hammer, who is in the list of pharmacists listed by the Regional Commissioner, and we ever send him to the government chemist he is found to use drugs.
"So far we are holding five suspects of the incident where four is the morgue attendants and one is that the dice yemuuzia these drugs, so we prepared the file for it to the attorney" said Sirro.